The mission of the MOVRS podcast is to educate listeners on the importance of movement and play in the lives of children. Listen as we interview leaders in the fields of education, movement, and play from around the world.
Built to Move with Kelly and Juliet Starrett | Ep. 41
Kelly and Juliet Starrett are the founders of The Ready State, and authors of the New York Times' Bestseller Built to Move. "This is the first body book written for exercisers and nonexercisers alike. It’s full of foundational wisdom for everyone from professional athletes to gym haters and everyone in between. Built to Move introduces readers to a set of simple principles and practices that are undemanding enough to work into any busy schedule, lead to greater ease of movement, better health, and a happier life doing whatever it is you love to do—and want to continue doing as long as you live. This book is your game plan for the long game."
This is my second time interviewing Kelly, first with Juliet, and I wish I could interview them one-hundred times more. They have an amazing perspective on fitness and health, and especially how that weaves into parenting. They are masters of their craft, designing simple and effective movements practices that are accessible to all. This book is one that should be in everyone's home, and incorporated into all of our lives.
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