The mission of the MOVRS podcast is to educate listeners on the importance of movement and play in the lives of children. Listen as we interview leaders in the fields of education, movement, and play from around the world.
Becoming Jet Ski Champs with Victor Sheldon, Tera Laho, and Stevie Bascom | Episode 18
This is a special, two-part episode featuring some of the greatest racers in Jet Skiing. The first half of the episode will be with the legend, Victor Sheldon. The second half will be a conversation with another legend, Tera Laho, and newcomer Stevie Bascom. They all share how they got started riding and racing, why they love the sport, and what they do to stay active in the offseason. Between the three of them, they have collected 17 World Championships!
I started riding when I was 9 and fell in love with the sport right away. I grew up idolizing people like Victor and Tera, watching their racing and getting their autographs. It's been decades since then and the sport has changed and evolved in many ways, but riders like Stevie are showing us a renewed interest in the sport that I hope continues to grow.
Thank you for checking out the episode and please consider reviewing, subscribing, and following if you enjoyed it!
Stevie Bascom - @that_kawasaki_kid
Tera Laho - @teralaho
Victor Sheldon - @slasher200
Quick n' Dirty MTB - @quickndirtymtb
Episode Timeline:
PART 1 - Victor Sheldon
2:30 - Growing up in Alaska
11:10 - The Leg Drag
13:30 - Mountain Biking
16:20 - Leading an Active Lifestyle as a Family
19:45 - Vanilla Ice
21:20 - How to be Mentally Strong
25:00 - Quick n' Dirty MTB
31:00 - Quick n' Dirty Rapid Fire Questions
PART 2 - Tera Laho and Stevie Bascom
42:30 - Tera and Stevie's Background
50:15 - Leading an Active Lifestyle as a Family
55:30 - Turning a Hobby into a Career
1:00:08 - Why Jet Ski?
1:09:45 - Rapid Fire Questions
1:17:10 - A Male Dominated Sport?